The West Region is the cradle of the Bamiléké and Bamoun ethnic groups. Its Chief-town is Bafoussam. Other major towns in the West Region are notably, Mbouda, Banka hosting the Catholic Archdiocese and the Mouankeu Falls. There are also the towns of Bandjoun hosting the FOTSO Victor IUT, the town of Dschang hosting one of the 8 State Universities, the town of Bangangté harbouring the “Université des Montagnes”, a private university, the town of Foumban which harbours the historic palace of Sultan NJOYA, not leaving aside the towns of Bafang, Baham and Bamena. It is the smallest Region in terms of surface area but the largest in the country in terms of density.

The Region is located in the Centre-west of the country, sharing its boundaries with five Regions, notably, the Adamawa, the North-West, the South-West, the Littoral and the Centre.

The Region is made up of 8 Divisions, a City Council, and 40 Municipal Councils. These are the Bamboutos Division with 4 Councils, the Hauts-Plateaux Division with 4 Council, the Koung-Khi Division with 3 Councils, the Menoua Division with 6 Councils, the Mifi Division with 3 Councils and a City Council in Bafoussam, the Ndé Division with 4 Councils and the Noun Division with 9 Councils.

The Region covers a surface area of 13,892 km2 and hosted over 1,982,100 inhabitants in 2014. Its density has almost doubled with a ratio of 123.8 inhabitants per km², making it one of the most densely and populated Regions in Cameroon, almost on the same footing with the Littoral Region.

The wealth of the West Region of Cameroon is basically centred on agro-pastoral production, particularly the Arabica coffee which is well adapted to the Region’s high valleys, notably those of Bandjoun, Bafoussam, Bamendjou, Bamougoum, Bayangam, Bangou and Baham.

Two types of agricultural production are practiced, notably, food production (potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, corn…); annuity production: Arabica and Robusta coffee, farmers’ cooperative and tea.

The West Region is a pleasant Region with its hills and mountains that offer natural sites worthy to visit (Mifi and Ekom waterfalls, the Manengouba massif, the Nfou and Baleng lakes, etc.). There are a multitude of chiefdoms, the most famous of which are those of Bandjoun, Badoumla, Bamendjou, Dschang, Banka, Bafoussam, Bamougoum and the Bamoun kingdom.