The South-West Region is one of the ten Regions of Cameroon, located in the South-east of the country and at Nigeria’s border. Its Chief-town is Buea. It shares limits with 3 States in Nigeria, the Gulf of Guinea and 3 Regions in Cameroon: North-West, West and Littoral.

It is made up of 6 Divisions, two City Councils, and 31 Municipal Councils: the Fako Division with 7 Councils and a City Council in Limbe; the Kupe–Muanengumba Division with 3 Councils; the Lebialem Division with 3 Councils; the Manyu Division with 4 Councils; the Meme Division with 5 Councils and a City Council in Kumba; the Ndian Division with 9 Councils. The Region covers a surface area of 24,571 km2 and hosted over 1,242,700 inhabitants in 2015.

The Region has many tourist attractive areas, some of which are; the colonial vestiges with the palace of the German Governor Von Puttkamer in Buea, the 4,100 meters high Mount Cameroon, a still active volcano, the Korup National Park, a real living museum of more than 300 million years which harbours a rare variety of flora and fauna, the Limbe Botanic Garden created in 1892 by German horticulturists, the Limbe Zoo, and the Barombi Lake in Kumba with its luxuriant setting. The South-West is also hosting a beautiful grey and sandy beaches along the Atlantic Ocean.